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Rotate 2D

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Rotate 2D





For a 2D plan you can rotate it either clockwise or anti-clockwise by 90, 180, 270, 360 degrees.

Easy CAD Viewer offers Rotate Right and Rotate Left that allow you to clockwise or anti-clockwise rotate your drawing by 90 degrees with a simple click of the button.

Mouse Controls

You can click the Rotate Right or Rotate Left button with your mouse to rotate your drawing by 90 degrees. One click for rotating 90 degrees, two clicks for the rotation of 180 degrees, three clicks for 270 degrees.

Rotate Right

Rotate the drawing clockwise by 90 degrees.

Rotate Left

Rotate the drawing anti-clockwise by 90 degrees.

Hot Key Controls

In addition to mouse control, you can use keyboard to achieve the same rotation result.

R is the hot key for Rotate Right.

L is the hot key for Rotate Left.